Over the last few years, more and more ISP's have started to
require their subscribers to use their SMTP server to send
mail. This allows them to monitor spammers, and help to
reduce to the overwhelming amounts of spam and exploitation that
occurs daily with email.
If you can
not send email using our servers, check on this list below for
your ISP. Provided with each ISP that blocks, is their
respective SMTP server setting.
This list is
not an official release of ISPs that require that there clients
use their SMTP servers, however, it is as accurate as possible
at this time.
Adelphia: mail.adelphia.net
Ameritech: mailhost.det.ameritech.net
AT&T: mailhost.att.net
AT&T Global: smtp1.attglobal.net
Bell South: mail.bellsouth.net
CableVision: mail.optonline.net
Charter Communications: smtp.chartermi.net
Charter.net: smtp.charter.net
CharterTN.net: mail.chartertn.net
CharterMI.net: mail.chartermi.net
coax.net: smtp.west.coax.net /east / central
comcast: smtp.comcast.net
Cox: smtp.west.cox.net - smtp.central.cox.net -
Earthlink: smtp.earthlink.net
epix: out.epix.net
erols: smtp.erols.com
Frontiernet.net: smtp.frontiernet.net
fuse: smtp.fuse.net
Juno: smtp.juno.com
Mindspring: smtp.mindspring.com
MSN: smtp.email.msn.com
MSN.DSL: secure.smtp.email.msn.com
NEBI.com: mail.nebi.com
Netcom: smtp.ix.netcom.com
NetZero: smtp.netzero.net
OOL (Optimum Online): mail.optonline.net
Pacific Bell (Pacbell): mail.pacbell.net
panix.com: mailhost.panix.com
Quixnet.net: smtp.quixnet.net
RCN: smtp.rcn.com
RoadRunner: (Binghamton) smtp-server.stny.rr.com
RoadRunner: (NYC/Manhattan) smtp-server.nyc.rr.com
RoadRunner: (Syracuse) smtp-server.twcny.rr.com
RoadRunner: (Albany) smtp-server.nycap.rr.com
RoadRunner: (Rochester)
Rogers Hi-Speed (Canadian):
SBC: smtp.sbcglobal.net
SBC Yahoo: smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com
speakeasy: mail.speakeasy.net
The-Beach.net: mail.the-beach.net
Time Warner Telecom: (Binghamton)
Verio: smtp.veriomail.com
Verizon: outgoing.verizon.net
Verizon (Alt): smtpout.verizon.net |